The Jewelry The collection by category & technique or in catalogs

Mark Needham Jewelry Collection Mark Needham Jewelry Catalog

Info Answers to all of your questions

Mark Needham Jewelry Information

New Work A sneak peek at my most recent pieces

Mark Needham Jewelry New Work

Where to Buy The online store and a list of my dealers

Online Store & Dealers

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Mark Needham Jewelry
Welcome to my new home page. It’s really a mobile home page, because I modernized the site to make it more accessible to mobile devices, especially the jewelry page accessible on the floating card where you can browse through the whole collection in one page. Catalogs are more accessible for download or viewing and only show items that are for sale. And it’s more of a club house, too, since I’ve made it friendlier to social media. Be sure to check out the new Info page where you have access to information about me, my processes, my schedule and more. Mobile, tablet or desktop, you can now have the optimal experience at Mark Needham Jewelry.
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I am a Kentucky Crafted artist. Kentucky Crafted is a program of the Kentucky Arts Council which is funded by the Kentucky General Assembly and the National Endowment for the Arts. The Kentucky Crafted logo can be displayed only by artists whose work has been juried into the program.